Ciarán / Kieran
Ciarán is a little cunning!
Ciarán is an Irish masculine name meaning, “little dark one.” It has a long historical usage in Ireland and deries from Old Irish.
He is pronounced KEER-awn and is often anglicised as Kieran to avoid pronunciation issues in non-Irish speaking countries. However, both spellings are used in the used. Ciarán was used 69 times last year, not making it into the top 1000. Kieran ranks at #517, being used 549 times.
What do you think of Ciarán and Kieran? If you used it, which spelling would you use?

Combination ideas:
Sibling name ideas: Aoife, Callum, Erin, Ronán
Related names:
Feminine forms: Ciara, Kiera
Ciarán / Kieran in celebrity:
Ciarán / Kieran in fiction: